There are many myths and misconceptions about brothels, how they operate, and the people working at these establishments. False myths cause many who may be interested in visiting to shy away from pleasure houses. Many first-time brothel visitors are pleasantly surprised to discover these environments are professional, safer, emotionally healthier and more fun than they once believed.
Let’s take a look at some of the most common misconceptions you might have been misled to believe.
Sex work is real work. In Melbourne, where sex service workplaces are legal, sex industry businesses such as brothels are regulated in the same way as all Victorian businesses in Victoria by the Victoria Planning Provisions (VPP) and local planning schemes and by WorkSafe Victoria.
This helps to ensure that sex service providers are protected by workplace health and safety standards. And likewise, sex services businesses such as brothels, are required to meet local planning regulations to operate. It is also worth noting that sex service providers are self-employed, not employed by brothels. This means they have the right to choose their working hours and are in charge of the type of services they provide, and the location.
This is not the case for many workers who operate at professional brothels. Sex work is incredibly personal and intimate compared to other professions, and people feel drawn to and enjoy this work for different reasons. Many sex service providers love the flexible work schedule their work provides, the high-income rate, and the personal connections and experiences on the job compared to other roles.
The truth about brothels is that they are incredibly clean, hygienic and safe. Bedrooms are thoroughly cleaned between sessions and all linen items are properly washed.
Sex workers have a high level of sexual health literacy and the Victorian government's workplace guidance for the sex industry is based on this knowledge. Workers take measures such as:
The belief that visiting a brothel is only suitable for people of a certain age, gender, characteristic, ability status etc is probably one of the biggest misconceptions about brothels. The range of adults that step through the doors of these establishments is quite astonishing. Pleasure houses are frequently visited by people of all genders, professions and from all walks of life.
Brothels can even be very therapeutic for those who need to clear their minds, get rid of stress, overcome challenges, or who may simply need a new thrill or compassionate entertainment.
We invite you to visit Seaside Angels in Cheltenham so you can learn more. Prepare to be pleasantly surprised, or more!
For discreet adult entertainment in Melbourne, choose Sea Side Angels. We offer Asian Escorts, including Vietnamese and Japanese, to meet diverse preferences. Our Brothel Moorabbin and Brothel Mordialloc provide comfortable, full-service environments. As a leading Melbourne brothel, we pride ourselves on high-quality services. Visit our website to find your perfect companion.